Saturday, November 5, 2011

Interesting week...

Interesting week (or so)…I was picked up by my trainer early Wednesday morning (Oct. 26th) from Joplin, MO and we headed to Kansas City, MO to drop a load.  Because it was my first day and we had to go downtown Kansas, I was not comfortable driving.  Boy was I happy that I decided not to drive downtown.  Kansas City looked more like San Francisco if you ask me.  It was all hills.  After that delivery I started driving and learning the ropes.  We left Kansas City and headed to Lee’s Summit to pick up a load and deliver it to Garland, TX. 
From Garland we drove to Wylie, TX to pick up a load, but it was not ready.  The factory decided that they would not be ready to load our trailer until the next day, which was Oct 29th.  Therefore, we had no choice but to sit around for almost 24 hours.  We set in the truck waiting.  This was my first experience with waiting on a load.  I can’t say that it was a good one either.  Because we set in front of this factory for a long time, the forklift backup noise, the polluted air and all the tractor trailer noise was getting the best of me.  Now add the fact that I did not have my “Dunkin Donuts” coffee or any other coffee for that matter in days, I came down with a bad migraine headache.  I felt like throwing up.  (By the way, the only bathroom was inside of the factory and they did not have a sink inside the bathroom.) At this point I called Randy crying!  I told him that I was not sure about any of this and I was ready to give up.  I remember thinking to myself that I would give a million dollars to be in my husband’s arms at that moment, so why was I doing this?  Of course my love bug talked me thru it and eventually my headache went away and I went to sleep.
The next day things got a little better.  We got our trailer loaded and we were headed for California.  I had the opportunity to drive thru some amazing landscape.  I loved it.  I loved the view and I enjoyed the driving.  I drove thru New Mexico, Arizona and thru California.  It was my 23rd Wedding Anniversary and I was not with Randy, but at least I had an awesome drive.  We dropped our trailer in Calexico California and waited on our next load.  Unfortunately, we had to wait almost 48 hours before picking up our load in Blythe CA and delivering it to Delano CA.  From Delano we drove to Tulare, California were I was in heaven for a couple of days.  I was able to check into a hotel and take a shower!  Finally I feel like a woman again. 
So here I am at the end of my time off.  I just received a call that my trainer is on her way to get me and we are heading for Houston, Texas.  Hurray, I will be getting lots more miles.  That much closer to seeing my love.  At this moment I have 2500 miles.  I have 5000 miles to go.  I will keep you posted….
I miss my kids enormously and I miss my sweet husband who I am so deeply in love with. 

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